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WOC Street Pro Subscription allows API access, which professional traders use to gain the market edge and reduce market risk.

API Endpoint: API URL

Supported HTTP methods: POST

Request and response content type: JSONToken

Token= API Key

limit= 100(optional)

symbol=AAPL (optional)

eventName=layoff (optional)

Sample Response

  "code": 0,
  "message": "ok",
  "data": [
      "symbol": "TSLA",
      "publishedAt": "2024-03-30T17:06:48.000Z",
      "title": "Tesla is so desperate for sales it's started advertising, something Elon Musk famously said he 'hates'",
      "url": "",
      "imageUrl": "",
      "source": "Business Insider",
      "trimSummarys": [
        "Tesla has increased ad spending to $6.4 million in 2023.",
        "Stock value down 30% due to EV competition and managerial chaos.",
        "Elon Musk reluctantly allowed advertising after facing performance and managerial issues."
      "sentimentRating": "negative",
      "stockImpactRating": "shortTerm",
      "type": "Corporate Developments",
      "saveTimeInMinutes": 4,
      "relevanceScore": 54.1,
      "eventName": "",
      "startPrice": 0,
      "currentPrice": 0,
      "createdAt": "2024-03-30T18:10:54.598Z",
      "newsId": "660855ae8277fd8acc690e8c",
      "sourceIcon": "",
      "elapsedTime": "2 days",
      "pathTitle": "Tesla is so desperate for sales it's started advertising, something Elon Musk famously said he 'hates'",
      "name": "TSLA",
      "endPrice": 0,
      "differencePricePercentage": 0

Last updated